“Lord, teach us to pray” Luke 11:1
The early disciples weren’t strangers to prayer. But Jesus’ prayer life made them want to reach beyond the boundaries of their own prayer experience. Lord, teach us to pray is more than an echo from the past. It’s the heart-cry of many of Christ’s followers today. The sound is being amplified in hearts left empty by religious routines. Hunger for God is feeding fresh desire for prayer. And it’s a cry he welcomes; one that leads to a life-changing journey of discovery in the heart of God.

ENJOY praying. This is OUR chapter in history to make a difference as pray-ers!
Dutiful but joyless praying is often the reason for prayer meetings having small numbers, or disappearing completely.
It’s difficult to sustain what isn’t enjoyed. Read more …
There are plenty of books telling us of the need for prayer (Operation World is one of them!). There are many others that talk about our authority in prayer. But Shaped for Prayer Enjoyment is a rare treasure. It confirms both of these truths, but guides us into the heart of what makes intercession sustainable. Jason Mandryk, Director, Operation World
This book lights a fire around prayer in a way that will transform your spiritual journey if you desire this sort of revolution. Paul Marshall
*Grow as a pray-er
*Enjoy prayer more
*Explore prayer strategy
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Prayer Medley
Some prayer types are mentioned frequently in the Bible (e.g., thanksgiving, praise, supplication). Others are practised without being specifically named (e.g., lament, adoration, declaration). Sticking to the most mentioned types of prayer isn’t wrong, but we could...