Prayer Medley
Some prayer types are mentioned frequently in the Bible (e.g., thanksgiving, praise, supplication). Others are practised without being specifically named (e.g., lament, adoration, declaration). Sticking to the most mentioned types of prayer isn’t wrong, but we could be missing the enjoyment of prayer medley.
The Bible encourages us to pray with all kinds of prayers (Eph 6:18). By ‘prayer medley’, I mean a mix or blend of different prayer types. Switching from one type to another adds variety to our praying. But the enjoyment of prayer medley goes deeper than that.
Whatever the focus of our praying – whether admiring the Lord, or asking for his help – the miracle of conversation with him is an opportunity to grow in knowing him. Prayer medley helps us to do that.
Each prayer type takes us down a particular avenue of response to the Lord. For instance, a prayer of adoration deepens us in the Lord’s love. Praise focuses our heart on the greatness and excellence of the Lord. Thanksgiving celebrates his goodness. Through prayers of lament, we identify with the feelings of the Lord regarding human failure, pain, and adversity. Warfare prayer helps us to know him as a Warrior-God, and prayer declarations strengthen our grasp of his authority and purpose.
By widening our use of different prayer types in our conversation with the Lord, we open up fresh avenues for knowing him through prayer.
It’s possible to practice prayer medley while focusing on a single topic or prayer point. Here’s an example from Ps 119:129-136. The psalmist blends five different types of prayer, and moves easily from one to another.
ADMIRATION v129 Your statutes are wonderful; therefore I obey them
DECLARATION v130 The unfolding of your words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple.
DESIRE v131 I open my mouth and pant, longing for your commands.
- for MERCY v132-3
Turn to me and have mercy on me, as you always do to those who love your name. Direct my footsteps according to your word; let no sin rule over me. - for RESCUE v134
Redeem me from human oppression, that I may obey your precepts. - for more LIGHT v135
Make your face shine on your servant and teach me your decrees.
LAMENT v136 Streams of tears flow from my eyes, for your law is not obeyed.
It isn’t a patchwork of unrelated prayers. They all share a single focus: the WORDS of the Lord. The psalmist ADMIRES them, DECLARES that they give true Light, and DESIRES to receive them. Each REQUEST concerns God’s words, and he LAMENTS that people disregard what the Lord has spoken.
He approaches the Lord with a single focus (love for his words), but along five different prayer avenues.
Choose a scripture, or a prayer topic, that points to a truth about the Lord. In your conversation with him about that truth, vary your prayer types (aim to include some that you rarely use in your praying). The prayer medley is worth taking time over. Our knowing of the Lord deepens as the Spirit guides us down the avenues which the various prayer types open for us.
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