Prayer is an adventure we’re designed for
*Energise prayer life *Enjoy prayer growth *Explore prayer strategy
Can prayer be more than routine duty or a panic button reserved for crises? Can it become a favourite enjoyment in life?
It’s easier to get excited about praying and to grow in it when it’s enjoyable. Enjoyment of prayer life is a journey we’re designed for, a spiritual growth adventure that’s too good to miss. Not a lifestyle reserved for a few, but a journey open to every follower of Christ. So, how does it become real?
Shaped for Prayer Enjoyment unpacks the truths at the heart of enjoyable prayer life.
It gives the why and how of living in “pray continually” mode, responding to God’s constant presence, praying as Christ’s admirers, enjoying God’s company, growing an appetite for Him, boosting corporate prayer power, praying from scripture, increasing prayer passion for Christ’s mission, and more.
There are practical keys to grow daily prayer life, and helpful Ponder & Practise sections to encourage movement from prayer knowledge to enjoyable prayer experience.
This book will equip and encourage you in your prayer enjoyment journey. Used personally, or in prayer groups, it will:
- Help you grow an enjoyable prayer lifestyle
- Excite, shape and deepen your praying
- Equip you for strategic prayer
- Be a valuable prayer training resource
See below, What readers are saying
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What readers are saying
There are plenty of books telling us of the need for prayer (Operation World is one of them!). There are many others that talk about our authority in prayer. But Shaped for Prayer Enjoyment is a rare treasure. It confirms both of these truths, but guides us into the heart of what makes intercession sustainable – joy-filled admiration of a wondrous God and experiencing His constant presence. We are designed to be in communion with God, and as we cultivate that reality, our times of intercession become more and more about tapping into God’s life-giving persona and His own heart for the nations. David Macmillan’s book does more than just illuminate the joys of prayer from a refreshing perspective, it offers exercises and activities, starting with Scripture, to cultivate this joy. Jason Mandryk, Director, Operation World
I found this book easy to read and beautifully written. There are so many books on prayer, but this one is refreshing. There are two parts of the book; part one captures the beauty of our God, inspires hunger for him and reignites our view of prayer starting with God, and not with us. This is a section that is left out of so many books and resources on prayer, and it’s such an important place to start. Part two then looks at how prayers can be shaped from the foundation built in part one. Excellent book that I’ve recommended to others. Worth buying. Julie – UK
I’ve read many books on prayer. Many books made me feel like I should pray. But this book made me want to pray. Many books push me to pray more. But this book gave me a desire to pray more. That was the power of this book for me; that it stirred something authentic and deep within, a desire for Christ and prayer, rather than just giving me information for the head or pressure to pray. You can tell that the author has discovered something beautiful about prayer, from Scripture and through his own life experience. Sharing his story in this book has helped me discover that joyful prayer myself. Louis – Singapore
David Macmillan’s excellent book leaves me full of expectation about prayer. For me this comes from his deep streams of insight about the centrality of encounter with the person of Christ through prayer as the source of its joy. In a time when the distractions of busy lives and secular thinking draws us from prayer, this book lights a fire around prayer in a way that will transform your spiritual journey if you desire this sort of revolution. Paul – Australia
Shaped for Prayer Enjoyment is a treasure chest. Put into practice, the truths and tools it carries are transformational. This book is a must for anyone who is serious about growing in prayer. Julia – UK
“Do I really need another book on prayer?” was my first thought. I am so glad I quickly dismissed that thought. Whether you thoroughly enjoy prayer or whether you are honest enough to admit that you don’t enjoy it as much as you think you should, I cannot recommend this gem of a book highly enough. It draws the heart of the reader upwards, inspiring an increased longing for a closer and deeper walk with the Lord. It is simple to read, yet simply profound. You certainly won’t want to rush through it. After the first reading, you will want to start right at the beginning again in order to absorb it more fully, using the practical lessons provided. A great investment also for building a well-equipped prayer group. Irene – UK
What a refreshing book! Turning each page, I found myself stirred with a deep hunger for God, drawing me in. Although explaining a degree of “how to” for praying, all is embedded in a gloriously descriptive atmosphere of Presence of God: the Godhead choosing to involve His people in His purposes on this earth – Him speaking, Him revealing. The title is totally accurate. Elizabeth – Australia
This book promises and delivers! It is quite different from any other book on prayer that I have read. Totally God-centred, He being the prime mover in a relationship. Heaven-oriented so as to bring the reality of the presence and covenant promise of God to us on earth. Written from a lifetime of an ordinary man’s experience of pushing through all the barriers to enriching prayer that we all face and struggle with. Take your time reading this book and you will become aware of its transforming influence. As I worked through the practical exercises I found my relationship with Father God lifted to new levels I had previously thought unattainable and which now I cannot bear to live without. I want more of what God wants for me – the real enjoyment of prayer. Thank you David! Jenny – UK
I really appreciate Shaped for Prayer Enjoyment. I find spiritual gold nuggets every time I read portions in it. It is a God-given table book, not to be put on a shelf. Elsie – South Africa
The author has a unique style that I found required engagement of mind, imagination and spirit as I read. I couldn’t hurry it and was often left with that inner ‘Wow! Look who God is and what he has done!’ as the reward. What I have learned from Dave has impacted me, enriched my knowing of God and shaped the way I pray. Ruth – Australia
Shaped for Prayer Enjoyment by David Macmillan is certainly a joy to read. David takes each chapter theme and expands its possibilities – clearly demonstrating how to truly ENJOY prayer. His words entice and invite the reader into a deeper walk with Father God. I love the practical ways he shows to become a partner in an adventure with God, while sharing his early frustrations when he felt he had failed as a missionary in Thailand. Then how God gently carried him and Sandra to new heights, when they felt like giving up. I highly recommend this delightful book to anyone desiring life changing dialogues with God. Pam – South Africa
This book is a most joyful read leading to joy-filled engagement with God. It goes into my “pick-up-often-to-be-blessed” book category. David – USA
Dave Macmillan approaches this subject from the often overlooked perspective of the joy and enjoyment that God intends us to experience through the gift of prayer. Far from being a mere duty, Dave reveals the purpose of God in and through prayer as something far different than we often think. Ryan – Thailand
I have just been reading David’s book on prayer and wanted to recommend it to you. So practical, inspiring, real, biblical, and sprinkled with stories to illustrate the power of prayer and how we can go deeper in knowing God’s heart. Jenny – on Ethne Prayer Workgroup
While many chapters in this book helped take my prayer life to a higher level, I will mention just one. This book provides insight on the use of Scripture in prayer that presses beyond the basics. I personally have used Scripture in my prayers for many years. However, my practice was limited to the use of the words only. In this book I discovered new and exciting ways to use Scripture in a more complete way. The enjoyable possibilities are many. This alone is an excellent reason for reading this book and passing it on to your church friends and ministry partners. Tom – Canada
Macmillan brings us into a place where what we most want to do is to pray and enjoy God in prayer. Part 2 provides the practical application of that teaching… particularly using Scripture as an important ingredient. Andrew – UK
This book looks first at the bigger picture of our relationship with God – starting with why GOD is SO AWESOME inspires our worship and adoration. From that firm foundation, David adds helpful insights and more inspiration for going deep in prayer – as we seek to align ourselves with the heart of God and pray for His Kingdom to come and His will to be done. Many practical applications and ideas are included for groups and individuals. Jean – USA
The thesis of this book is exciting: prayer should be an enjoyable adventure and there are many ways to develop such a prayer life. But this is the kind of diamond mine where you need to dig hard; it’s an intense, dense read and far from a page turner. In fact after nearly each page one needs to pause and reflect for some time. Nevertheless it’s worth keeping at it. The ideas of prayer scribble and developing agreement in prayer will be worth coming back to for years to come. Colin – UK
Reading this book inspired me to put the book down and pray after every chapter. Which just goes to show that it is effective. It’s practical and accessible to the average reader. It’s an excellent read. Suzanne – Australia
I so enjoyed reading this book. I love the way David writes, as well as the content. It’s very practical, and has affected the way I pray (in both personal and corporate prayer times), and the way I lead prayer times. Pauline – UK