In Christ we have a licence to make a difference through prayer. It has enormous reach, beyond our familiar daily circle, touching people we have never met, in places we might never see. And the prayer power heightens when we consolidate our licence! When we pray in agreement with others, the authority to make a difference strengthens. That’s why this 15-day prayer focus for breakthrough is so significant.
The focus of the 15 days of prayer for breakthrough is on the Buddhist world, covering the period 28 Jan – 11 Feb

15-day prayer focus for breakthrough
The Buddhist World Prayer Guide (2021) is an interesting and easy-to-use help for praying through the 15 days (and beyond).
The booklet introduces the origin of Buddhism, its three main streams, and guides us into prayer for Buddhist people, one nation on each of the 15 days.
The Buddhist World Prayer Guide (2021) can be downloaded as a pdf. Or, you can use the Prayer Reach app downloaded from Google Play.
Thanks for joining this 15-day prayer focus for breakthrough in the Buddhist world.
Download a copy of the Buddhist World Prayer Guide: 15 Days of Prayer (2021)
If you missed earlier blog posts on praying for breakthrough in the Buddhist world, read