by David Macmillan WingspanPrayer | Feb 14, 2019 | Blog
A man is planning to sue his parents for giving birth to him without his consent. Yes, really! He believes birth has zero value and “human existence is totally pointless”.* The report took me back to an encounter with the Lord during a not-so-ordinary coffee date. On...
by David Macmillan WingspanPrayer | Jan 31, 2019 | Blog
The Doomsday Clock has been in the news again. A group of scientists use global catastrophe indicators to reset the hands of the clock. The current setting is two minutes to apocalyptic midnight! Their message: choices (made or avoided) have put earth’s future at high...
by David Macmillan WingspanPrayer | Jun 28, 2018 | Blog
We all enjoy getting answers to prayer, but is this what makes up the real ‘core’ of prayer joy? If our prayer enjoyment depends on answers, what happens when answers don’t come? Or maybe they do come, but are not the ones we were hoping for! We’ve all experienced the...
by David Macmillan WingspanPrayer | Nov 22, 2017 | Home Main, Uncategorized
A key to ENJOYABLE praying: Learn to GAZE! Praying is meant to be enjoyable. Not only a discipline but a delight. Dutiful but joyless praying is often the reason for prayer gatherings being thin in attendance or disappearing completely. It’s difficult to sustain what...
by David Macmillan WingspanPrayer | Nov 22, 2017 | Home Main, Uncategorized
Be EXTRA-ORDINARY! Redemption has freed us to live extra-ordinary lives in response to the resident King. We’re his priests, serving enthroned Glory from close-up. We’ve been liberated from the confines of self-focus to celebrate life in the wide open space of...