The Celebration Leap

Elephants can’t jump, but it would surprise us if frogs, fleas and antelopes didn’t. It’s about design. God designed man with an ‘inner leap’ ability that finds new height in Christ. The celebration leap is part of new creation life, and the Lord never leaves us...

Welcome the reshaping

Willing and wanting to be changed. But the Spirit of grace doesn’t stop there. He makes it possible for us to welcome the re-shaping of the new us. Our eternal Home will be amazing – flawless and beautiful. And at last, we’ll be perfect reflectors of the glory of...

Praying for toxic rulers

The Bible says to obey leaders and pray for them. Does that include praying for toxic rulers and malevolent governments? Should we pray for their removal? God keeps his promise. The psalmist reminds us of how God rebuked kings and warned them against harming his...

Shaped for BEST

The Lord didn’t send him to a stream to look at raw clay, or to a market to admire earthen jars on display. He sent Jeremiah to a potter’s house to see a work in progress. He walked from that workroom with a message: God’s people will be shaped for BEST….if they want...

Ask for a Prayer Movement

The list of things that people ask God for is long and diverse. But no request carries the same lasting impact as this one: asking for a spirit of prayer. Not for more prayer in general, but for a deeper, expanding prayer-hunger for his Glory. This post touches on...