Prayer Medley

Some prayer types are mentioned frequently in the Bible (e.g., thanksgiving, praise, supplication). Others are practised without being specifically named (e.g., lament, adoration, declaration). Sticking to the most mentioned types of prayer isn’t wrong, but we could...

Be shaped for BEST

The Lord didn’t send him stream-side to look at raw clay, or to admire finished earthen jars on display in the market. He sent Jeremiah to a potter’s house to watch a work in progress. The prophet walked from that workroom with a message: God’s people will be shaped...

One Reason to Live Restfully

Being in Christ doesn’t make us immune to unrest. He invites, and gives us reasons to rest. We choose to step into them (or not). This post will touch on just one reason to live restfully. The Lord’s supernatural involvement in our lives is ongoing, from our...

Days of Purpose

Jeremiah wasn’t a stranger to emotional slumps. His audience ridiculed him and rejected his message. At one point, after a beating and a day in the stocks, the prophet regretted being born (Jer 20:14,18). But, even in that tailspin, there were two things he couldn’t...

Unmute the Song

We’re not always in the mood for singing, but our choice to unmute the song of praise says a lot about our view of the Lord, especially in the harder parts of our life-journey. As Job mourned in the ashes of yesterday’s fire, perhaps Eliphaz was watching the burning...

Ask Seek Knock

The Lord wants us to ask for help and he promises answers. In Mt 7:7-11, Jesus doesn’t simply invite us to ask; he urges us. And his ask, seek, knock statement highlights some important things to keep in mind when asking. Interpretations of Jesus’ statement vary. I...