by David Macmillan WingspanPrayer | Apr 25, 2019 | Blog
In the post, Venture beyond the shoreline I wrote about shaping our asking to match the extraordinary answers needed; asking “for the big and impossible when those are the kinds of answers needed to make a difference.” Someone asked: How big is our asking license? Are...
by David Macmillan WingspanPrayer | Mar 27, 2019 | Blog
Our prayer license carries the signature of Christ and we honour him by growing in it. Packing away the prayer license for any reason – choosing to no longer pray – is uncommon. Less uncommon is the habit of under-using it. Under-use could refer to too little prayer,...
by David Macmillan WingspanPrayer | Mar 13, 2019 | Blog
Asking and answers are part of the prayer life norm. Use of our ask-license honours the Father, and he enjoys answering. Sometimes, however, the prayer mystery includes ’no answer’. The celebration of a dozen answers can be forgotten in the disappointment of one major...
by David Macmillan WingspanPrayer | Mar 1, 2019 | Blog
I’m sure we would find facing a crisis easier if we had a 100% guarantee that, when we prayed, God’s help would come immediately. But I doubt that any of us would want to depend on a God who disabled his perfect wisdom, and gave us full control rights over his power...
by David Macmillan WingspanPrayer | Feb 14, 2019 | Blog
A man is planning to sue his parents for giving birth to him without his consent. Yes, really! He believes birth has zero value and “human existence is totally pointless”.* The report took me back to an encounter with the Lord during a not-so-ordinary coffee date. On...
by David Macmillan WingspanPrayer | Jan 31, 2019 | Blog
The Doomsday Clock has been in the news again. A group of scientists use global catastrophe indicators to reset the hands of the clock. The current setting is two minutes to apocalyptic midnight! Their message: choices (made or avoided) have put earth’s future at high...