Can we ask WHATEVER we wish?

In the post, Venture beyond the shoreline I wrote about shaping our asking to match the extraordinary answers needed; asking “for the big and impossible when those are the kinds of answers needed to make a difference.” Someone asked: How big is our asking license? Are...

Venture beyond the shoreline

Our prayer license carries the signature of Christ and we honour him by growing in it. Packing away the prayer license for any reason – choosing to no longer pray – is uncommon. Less uncommon is the habit of under-using it. Under-use could refer to too little prayer,...

Unless TRUST is anchored

Asking and answers are part of the prayer life norm. Use of our ask-license honours the Father, and he enjoys answering. Sometimes, however, the prayer mystery includes ’no answer’. The celebration of a dozen answers can be forgotten in the disappointment of one major...

Sometimes puzzling, never pointless

A man is planning to sue his parents for giving birth to him without his consent. Yes, really! He believes birth has zero value and “human existence is totally pointless”.* The report took me back to an encounter with the Lord during a not-so-ordinary coffee date. On...

Hope and Future

The Doomsday Clock has been in the news again. A group of scientists use global catastrophe indicators to reset the hands of the clock. The current setting is two minutes to apocalyptic midnight! Their message: choices (made or avoided) have put earth’s future at high...