by David Macmillan WingspanPrayer | May 6, 2021 | Blog
In the previous post, Agreeing with God, I touched on the importance of allowing the Lord’s thoughts (his Word to us) to shape what we say to him. It builds agreement with the Speaker and engages mind and emotions with his thoughts relating to our prayer focus. I...
by David Macmillan WingspanPrayer | Apr 21, 2021 | Blog
An earlier blog gave 4 eternal values that make a difference to praying. The fourth value put importance on AGREEING with God. I wrote: Our eternal Home will be one of perfect union and accord with the Lord. Until then, agreement with him is something we must pursue...
by David Macmillan WingspanPrayer | Apr 7, 2021 | Blog
Eternal values make a difference to prayer life. My last post put the spotlight on the Awareness of Presence value. This one highlights praying as an admirer of Christ. There’s a connecting channel between personal and corporate prayer. The tone of a prayer gathering...
by David Macmillan WingspanPrayer | Mar 25, 2021 | Blog
In the previous post, I gave 4 eternal values that make a difference to prayer life. This post puts the spotlight on the first one: awareness of God’s presence. The desert travellers knew the routine. When God paused their journey, the tabernacle was set up1, the camp...
by David Macmillan WingspanPrayer | Mar 10, 2021 | Blog
What has the most influence on when and how we pray? What excites growth as a pray-er? What energizes perseverance when answers are delayed? What feeds prayer enjoyment most? In short, what is it that makes a big difference to prayer life? Schedule? Scheduling prayer...
by David Macmillan WingspanPrayer | Feb 24, 2021 | Blog
One more thought on ‘trouble’, an add-on to the previous post: can trouble and pure joy get together? Jesus told his disciples, In this world you will have trouble, then added, But take heart! I have overcome the world (John 16:33). Trouble happens, but the Lord sets...