In the previous post, Agreeing with God, I touched on the importance of allowing the Lord’s thoughts (his Word to us) to shape what we say to him. It builds agreement with the Speaker and engages mind and emotions with his thoughts relating to our prayer focus.

Pray in the Rain
I mentioned that, for a while, the blog posts will feed this ‘discipline of love’. Each post will focus on one of the scriptures in the Pray Scripture Bank (which has been updated). I’ll set a focus and give a sample outline to help us pray in the rain (ref Isaiah 55:10-11)
Use the outline, adapt it, or create an entirely new one from the anchor scripture. The truth avenues the Spirit opens to you in that scripture might be different to my outline. That’s okay. Our aim is to ‘see’ a truth the Speaker has placed there and is drawing attention to, and then to pray responses in a way that builds agreement with him. A heart in agreement with him is at the core of prayer authority and prayer joy.
Today’s Pray in the Rain scripture
Today’s pray in the rain scripture is 1 Chronicles 16:23-25 (found in the ‘Bank’ under Admiration – Praise: The Worthy One).
Sing to the Lord, all the earth; proclaim his salvation day after day. Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples.For great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; he is to be feared above all gods.
King David had arranged for the Ark of God to be brought into the tent prepared in Zion. He appointed Levites to extol, thank and praise, accompanied by music, and he composed the first prayer-song as a content model for their prayer ministry before the unveiled Ark of Glory.
The prayer included an asking point for the nation: Save us, God our Savior…. (34). But it’s not how the prayer started; it began with admiration of the Lord (1-33), and ended with more admiration (36).
Our admiration focus will be PRAISE, and the praise theme is: HE IS WORTHY!
MOST WORTHY of praise (25)
For great is the Lord and most worthy of praise;
- Worthy of praise
Our praise of the Lord will be according to our view of his worthiness.
Open up Rev 4:11. The You are worthy praise of the 24 elders has a strength of passion and joy beyond what we can fully grasp. They are facing the Throne of Glory, close-up. In comparison, our view of the Lord’s worthiness is small. But the Spirit will keep enlarging our picture, as long as we set our hearts on seeing more. Sing the above praise line, then add the song of the 24 elders to your prayer of praise. For great is the Lord and most worthy of praise. You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive…. (here, add your own words declaring, from your view of the Throne, what he is worthy of receiving)
- For great is the Lord
David’s prayer-song focuses on the Lord’s worthiness of praise because of his GREATNESS. In what ways does the Lord show his greatness? David touches on a few (26-34). Use them (but don’t be limited to them. Focus on one or two, use them as conversation pieces to talk to the Lord about his worthiness to receive praise because of his GREATNESS.
- Great (above all gods) in creation power (26)
- Great in splendor and majesty (27)
- Great in strength (27)
- Great in joy (27)
- Great in holiness (29)
- Great in goodness (34)
WORTHY to be praised among ALL NATIONS (23, 24)
Sing to the Lord, all the earth; proclaim his salvation day after day. Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples.
- Declare his glory
Agree with the Lord that he is worthy to be exalted in and by all nations.
Mention a specific nation, a people group or community: rephrase your above admiration of the Lord’s greatness into declarations over that nation/people – that he is worthy to be seen by them as greater than all, worthy to be the focus of their praise.
- Sing to the Lord
Call for songs from rescued hearts among that nation/people, songs of his salvation, new songs day after day that praise the Lord’s worthiness, and create a new sound in that nation’s culture.
Prayer admin: Make a note of truths (the Speaker’s thoughts) your attention was drawn to, and the insights you received. They will be a valuable resource in your onward journey in prayer.