Esther 5:1-3
Psalm 18:1-2
Psalm 36:5-9
Psalm 89:1-2
Psalm 118:1-4
Song of Songs 1:2-4
Song of Songs 2:4
Song of Songs 2:14
Song of Songs 7:10
Song of Songs 8:6-7
Hosea 2:14-15, 19-23
Matthew 22:37
John 12:1-3
1 John 4:18-19
Revelation 1:5b-6
2 Samuel 6:12-15, 21-22
Psalm 21:6-7
Habakkuk 3:17-19
Zephaniah 3:14-17
Zechariah 9:9
Philippians 4:4
Job 19:25,27
Psalm 30:1-3, 11-12
Psalm 40:2-8
Psalm 95:1-2
Psalm 118:15-16
Psalm 118:22-24
Isaiah 12:2-3
Isaiah 61:10
Colossians 2:13-15
1 Peter 1:18-20
1 Peter 1:3-6, 8
Psalm 23:6
Psalm 65:4
Psalm 103:1-6
Psalm 136
Jeremiah 32:40
Nahum 1:7
Psalm 21:1-2
Psalm 34:6, 15
ADMIRATION of the Lord: PRAISE - Continual Praise
Psalm 35:28
Psalm 44:8
Psalm 63:3-4
Psalm 71:22-24
Psalm 145:1-2
Hebrews 13:15
1 Peter 2:9
ADMIRATION of the Lord: PRAISE - The Faithful One
Psalm 33:4
Psalm 91:4
Psalm 108:3-4
Isaiah 25:1
Lamentations 3:22-23
1 Corinthians 1:9
1 Corinthians 10:13
2 Thessalonians 3:3
Hebrews 10:23
1 John 1:9
Revelation 19:11
ADMIRATION of the Lord: PRAISE - Call to Praise
Psalm 92:1-3
Psalm 95:1-7
Psalm 96:1-10
Psalm 103:1-5
Psalm 113:1-3
Psalm 117:1-2
Psalm 149:1-5
Psalm 150:1-6
Zephaniah 3:14-17
ADMIRATION of the Lord: PRAISE - The Loving God
Psalm 59:16-17
Psalm 89:1-2
Psalm 108:3-4
Romans 8:38-39
1 John 3:1
ADMIRATION of the Lord: PRAISE - His Name
Psalm 8:1-2
Psalm 72:18-19
Psalm 113:1-3
Psalm 138:1,2
Isaiah 24:14-15
Malachi 1:11
ADMIRATION of the Lord: PRAISE - The Holy One
Isaiah 6:3
Revelation 4:8-11
ADMIRATION of the Lord: PRAISE - The Worthy One
1 Corinthians 8:6
Colossians 1:15-17
Hebrews 1:3
Revelation 4:8-11
Revelation 5:8-10
ADMIRATION of the Lord: PRAISE - The Great King
Job 42:2
Psalm 95:2-3
Psalm 135:5-6
Psalm 145:1-3
Isaiah 6:1
Isaiah 9:2-7
Isaiah 45:21-24
Jeremiah 10:6-7
Daniel 2:47
Daniel 6:26-27
Daniel 7:13-14
Zechariah 14:9
1 Timothy 1:17
Hebrews 2:9
ADMIRATION of the Lord: PRAISE - The Saviour
2 Samuel 22:17,20,47
Psalm 18:1-3
Psalm 32:5,7,8
Psalm 118:1-4, 22-24
Isaiah 12:1-31
Daniel 6:26-27
John 1:29
1 Corinthians 11:24-26
Hebrews 12:2
Hebrews 13:15
1 Peter 1:3-6
1 Peter 1:18-20
Jude 24-25
Revelation 1:5-6
2 Chronicles 7:3
2 Chronicles 20:21-22
Psalm 18:1-2
Psalm 23:5-6
Psalm 69:30-31
Psalm 50:23
Psalm 100:4-5
Psalm 136:1
Colossians 1:3-4
Colossians 1:12-14
Colossians 2:6-7
1 Thessalonians 1:2-3
Jude 1-2
APPETITE for the Lord: Desire for His Presence
Job 19:25, 27
Psalm 16:8
Psalm 26:8
Psalm 73:25-26, 28
Psalm 84:1-7, 10-12
Psalm 89:15-16
Psalm 130:5-6
Psalm 132:6-9, 14-16
Isaiah 2:2-3
Isaiah 26:8-9
Matthew 5:6
Matthew 6:33
2 Corinthians 6:16
ADMIRATION of the Lord: Wonder, Awe
Psalm 35:10
Psalm 71:19
Psalm 77:13
Isaiah 40:11-12
Isaiah 44:6-7
Jeremiah 10:6-7
Luke 7:16
John 10:29
Colossians 1:16-17
Colossians 2:9-10
Revelation 1:17-18
APPETITE for the Lord: For the Lord to be Known
Psalm 108:1-3, 5
1 Chronicles 16:10-11
Isaiah 26:8-9
Habakkuk 2:14
Malachi 1:11
APPETITE for the Lord: Thirst for Him
Psalm 63:1
Psalm 143:6
Isaiah 12:3
Isaiah 44:3
Isaiah 55:1
Jeremiah 17:7-8
John 7:37-39
Revelation 21:6
APPETITE for the Lord: Drawn by Him
Psalm 23:5-6
Psalm 43:3-4
Psalm 65:4
Psalm 119:2,10
James 4:8
APPETITE for the Lord: To be More Like Him
Romans 6:4
Romans 8:29
2 Corinthians 2:14
2 Corinthians 3:17-18
2 Corinthians 5:17
Galatians 2:20
Galatians 3:27
Ephesians 4:22-24
Ephesians 5:1-2
Philippians 1:6
Philippians 1:21
Philippians 2:5
1 Peter 2:21
1 John 1:7
APPETITE for the Lord: To Hear His Voice
Psalm 1:1-2
Psalm 85:8
Psalm 119:47
Psalm 119:58-59
Psalm 119:71-72
Psalm 119:130-131
Isaiah 30:21
Isaiah 50:4
Jeremiah 33:3
Luke 11:28
Luke 24:32
John 6:63
John 10:16
John 10:27
John 14:26
John 16:13
Hebrews 3:15
Hebrews 4:12
Revelation 3:22
APPETITE for the Lord: To be Filled with Him
Ephesians 3:19
Ephesians 4:13
Ephesians 5:18-20
Colossians 2:9-10
APPETITE for the Lord: To Love Him More
Psalm 18:1
Luke 10:27
John 12:1-3
Philippians 1:9
2 Thessalonians 3:5
1 John 4:19
Jude 21
APPETITE for the Lord: To Please Him More
Psalm 40:7-8
Matthew 3:17
Romans 12:1
Colossians 1:10
1 Thessalonians 4:1
APPETITE for the Lord: To Know Him More
Ephesians 1:15-19
Philippians 3:8, 10
APPETITE for the Lord: To See Him More Clearly
1 Chronicles 16:10-11
Psalm 16:8
Psalm 27:4
Psalm 27:8
Psalm 27:13-14
Psalm 67:1-2
Psalm 119:2,10
Psalm 119:57-58
2 Corinthians 3:17-18
ASK: For the CHURCH - Agent of Reconciliation & Transformation
Ezekiel 22:30
Matthew 5:13-16
Matthew 6:9-10
Matthew 16:18-19
2 Corinthians 5:17-20
Ephesians 2:19-20
1 Timothy 3:15
Revelation 3:8
ASK: For the CHURCH - A Community of Hope
Romans 5:1-2
Titus 2:11-14
Hebrews 6:18-19
1 Peter 1:3-5
1 Peter 1:13
ASK: For the CHURCH - A Holy Community
2 Corinthians 6:14-7:1
Ephesians 1:4
Colossians 1:13
Colossians 1:17-20, 2:9-10
1 Peter 1:14-16
1 Peter 2:9
1 Peter 2:11-12
ASK: For the CHURCH - Strength
Isaiah 40:28-29, 31
Habakkuk 3:19
Ephesians 3:16
Ephesians 6:10
2 Timothy 1:7
1 John 2:14
ASK: For the CHURCH - Unity
Psalm 133:1-3
John 17:20-23
Acts 1:14
Romans 14:19
Romans 15:5-6
Ephesians 1:22-23
Ephesians 2:14-16
Ephesians 2:21-22
Ephesians 4:1-6
ASK: For the CHURCH - NT Apostolic Prayers (of Paul - selection)
Ephesians 3:16-19
Philippians 1:9-11
Colossians 1:9-11
2 Thessalonians 1:11-12
ASK: For KINGDOM ADVANCE - Call Nations to Worship
Psalm 65:4-5, 8
Psalm 66:1-4
Psalm 67:1-7
Psalm 96:1-9
Psalm 98:1, 4-9
Psalm 138:1-5
ASK: For KINGDOM ADVANCE - Darkness Overcome Light
Isaiah 60:1-3
Matthew 4:16
Luke 1:78-79
John 1:9
Acts 9:1-6
2 Corinthians 4:4-6
Psalm 107:19-22
Isaiah 53:4-6
1 Peter 2:24-25
Revelation 22:2
ASK: For KINGDOM ADVANCE - Nations Belong to the Lord
Psalm 22:27-28
Isaiah 45:21-24
Psalm 72:17,19
Daniel 7:13-14
Matthew 6:9-10
Revelation 5:9-10
Revelation 11:15-17
Revelation 15:3-4
ASK: For KINGDOM ADVANCE - Revival, Refreshing
Psalm 80:1-3
Psalm 85:6-12
Psalm 130:1-8
Isaiah 40:28,29,31
Isaiah 44:3-5
Isaiah 45:5,8
Isaiah 57:14-15
Jeremiah 24:6-7
Ezekiel 36:26-27
Hosea 6:1-3
Hosea 10:12
Joel 2:28-29,32
Habakkuk 2:1-3,14
Habakkuk 3:1-2
Zechariah 10:1
John 7:37-39
ASK: For KINGDOM ADVANCE - Send Witnesses
Isaiah 42:5-8
Isaiah 52:7
Daniel 12:3
Matthew 9:37-38
Matthew 28:19-20
Mark 1:17-18
Acts 1:8
Acts 13:1-3
Acts 13:36
Romans 10:14-15
Ephesians 3:7
Philippians 1:21, 23-24
ASK: For KINGDOM ADVANCE - Spirit of Prayer
Psalm 69:9, 30-32
Isaiah 56:7
Zechariah 12:10-13:1
Malachi 1:11
Luke 2:36-37
Acts 2:42
Acts 4:31
Acts 6:4
Romans 9:1-5
Romans 10:1
Colossians 4:2
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
ASK: For KINGDOM ADVANCE - Spritual Warfare
Numbers 14:24
2 Chronicles 14:11
Job 42:2
Psalm 68:1-4, 7-10, 24-28, 34-35
Psalm 144:1-15
Psalm 149:6-9
Isaiah 42:13
Micah 2:13
Zechariah 4:6
1 Timothy 1:17-18
2 Corinthians 10:3-5
Ephesians 6:13-18
1 Peter 5:5-7
Exodus 15:3,6,11,21
2 Kings 6:16-17
Psalm 45:4-7
Psalm 135:5-6
Isaiah 14:24, 27
Romans 8:31, 37-39
2 Corinthians 2:14
Colossians 2:13-15
Revelation 19:11-17
ASK: For KINGDOM ADVANCE - The Glory of His Name
Psalm 72:17-19
Psalm 96:3-5
Isaiah 9:2-7
Isaiah 42:8
Jeremiah 16:19-21
Malachi 1:11
Philippians 2:9-11
Revelation 15:3-4
ASK: For KINGDOM ADVANCE - The Rising Generation
Psalm 37:25-26
Psalm 71:17-18
Psalm 78:3-7
Psalm 102:27-28
Psalm 127:3-5
Psalm 145:3-7
Isaiah 44:3-5
Acts 2:39
ASK: For TRANSFORMATION - Cities, Communities
Psalm 48:1-14
Psalm 102:13-17
Psalm 127:1
Psalm 132:13-18
Psalm 147:12-14
Isaiah 26:1-2
Isaiah 52:8-9
Isaiah 62:1, 6-7, 10
Jeremiah 29:7
Jeremiah 33:8-11
Jonah 4:10-11
Psalm 33:11-19
Psalm 47:1-2, 7-9
Psalm 75:6-7
Psalm 113:7-8
Isaiah 9:6-7
Isaiah 32:1-2
Isaiah 44:28 Isaiah 45:1-4
Jeremiah 1:9-10
Daniel 2:19-22
Daniel 4:34, 37
Romans 13:1-7
1 Timothy 2:1-4
ASK: For TRANSFORMATION - The Lord's Favour
Isaiah 61:1-3, 11
Isaiah 62:1-4
Jeremiah 33:8-11
Joel 3:17-18
Colossians 1:18-20
ASK: For TRANSFORMATION - Social Justice
2 Chronicles 19:6-7
Psalm 10:17-18
Psalm 68:5-6
Psalm 82:3-4
Psalm 146:9
Proverbs 19:17
Isaiah 1:17
Isaiah 5:20
Isaiah 58:6-12
Jeremiah 22:3
Micah 6:8
Zechariah 7:9-10
Matthew 12:18-21
Matthew 25:36
Luke 1:46-53
Acts 20:35
Galatians 2:10
James 1:27
James 2:14-17
1 Timothy 5:1-20
Numbers 6:24-26
1 Kings 8:56-58
Psalm 20:1-4
Romans 15:13
Romans 16:25-27
1 Thessalonians 5:23-24
2 Thessalonians 2:16-17
2 Thessalonians 3:16
Hebrews 13:20-21
3 John 2
Revelation 1:4
Psalm 139:23-24
Isaiah 55:1, 6-7
Hosea 14:1-2
Joel 2:15-17
John 8:34-36
1 John 1:9
Joshua 3:5
Psalm 1:1-3
Psalm 40:6-8
Psalm 90:12
Hosea 6:1-3
Jeremiah 18:4
Matthew 6:33
Matthew 16:24-25
Luke 1:35-38
Acts 13:36
Romans 11:31-12:1-2
Romans 11:36
1 Corinthians 8:6
2 Corinthians 3:17-18
Galatians 6:14
Philippians 3:7-11
Colossians 1:10
Colossians 1:16
Colossians 3:1-3
Revelation 19:6-8
REST in the Lord
Deuteronomy 33:27
Psalm 5:11-12
Psalm 9:10
Psalm 13:5-6
Psalm 18:1-3
Psalm 27:1, 5-6
Psalm 29:11
Psalm 31:14-16, 19-20
Psalm 34:7-8
Psalm 37:3-5,7
Psalm 46:1-3, 10
Psalm 62:5-8, 11-12
Psalm 91:14-16
Psalm 121:1-8
Psalm 125:3
Psalm 131:2
Psalm 139:1-6
Isaiah 26:3-4
Isaiah 30:15
Isaiah 40:11
Isaiah 46:4
Micah 5:4-5
Matthew 1:23, 28:18-20
Matthew 11:28-30
Romans 8:28-39
Ephesians 3:17-19
Philippians 4:6-7
Hebrews 4:9-11