Be shaped for BEST

The Lord didn’t send him stream-side to look at raw clay, or to admire finished earthen jars on display in the market. He sent Jeremiah to a potter’s house to watch a work in progress. The prophet walked from that workroom with a message: God’s people will be shaped...

Better Levels of His Best

There is mystery to the year ahead. Downloading a customised preview of the coming twelve months of life isn’t an option. So, we’re heading into the unknown. That could be frightening, but it isn’t. Our story is not a mystery to the One who saw all the chapters before...

The Wonder of It All

What a day to be alive. What a time to live my life. To have a destiny and call, and see it day by day unfold… And we sense the wonder of it all. We feel the urgency. There’s not a day to be wasted. Those words, from Lara Martin’s song, ‘This is Our Time’, express...

Shaped for BEST

The Lord didn’t send him to a stream to look at raw clay, or to a market to admire earthen jars on display. He sent Jeremiah to a potter’s house to see a work in progress. He walked from that workroom with a message: God’s people will be shaped for BEST….if they want...