by David Macmillan WingspanPrayer | May 28, 2020 | Blog
Joel’s message had good news and bad news. The bad: a mega-judgment is on the way. The good: it can be avoided. The good news route involved repentance in a massive prayer gathering marked by humility and re-consecration. It was for all. Children and nursing moms...
by David Macmillan WingspanPrayer | May 14, 2020 | Blog
The willing-but-weak story: we all have a few to tell. The disciples walked out of Gethsemane with one. Jesus had left his prayer spot to visit the disciples in theirs, and found them asleep. They had no idea how significant that garden prayer session was (the one...
by David Macmillan WingspanPrayer | Apr 30, 2020 | Blog
Trouble happens. It’s unavoidable, as long we’re imperfect people in a broken world. But in Christ, trouble doesn’t hold the controlling right over our hearts. We are hidden with Christ in God, so trouble can’t block our enjoyment of Kingdom life. But an important...
by David Macmillan WingspanPrayer | Apr 16, 2020 | Blog
Prayer growth is a journey that’s too good to miss. It’s one we are designed to enjoy, not as rear-seat passengers but as hands-on pray-ers who want to keep growing. We’re encouraged by what we see in the rear-view mirror, but are much more excited about the road...
by David Macmillan WingspanPrayer | Apr 2, 2020 | Blog
Christ’s fullness is the measure of the “new life” given to us (AMAZING!!) and we grow in it through new life training.* Because prayer is at the core of our life in him, it’s our most urgent training challenge. And the “inner room” of personal prayer life is the...