Enjoy the REST of the year

One year ago, as calendars clicked into 2019, I blogged: “Desire for a good future is universal. Christ’s followers, however, have a unique perspective on the new year. We celebrate his ownership of our future and the love-plans he has for every day of our journey;...

Frame your Picture in Promise

History seemed to pause on the Kadesh threshold. Ever since God first announced it to Abraham, generations of his people had carried the hope of a promised land. Finally, Promise was about to birth. Twelve spies had returned from their Canaan reconnaissance, and the...

Stirred up, but still resting

Bad happenings can jolt us out of rest. But good things, even prayer things, can also draw us from rest. It’s possible to be stirred up in prayer, yet step out of rest. We want to pray with feeling, to be pray-ers who are stirred by what stirs God, but can we do that...


Inner REST isn’t a bonus add-on, a reward for strong faith or prize for repelling unrest. It’s a free gift embedded in our relationship with Christ and is as perfect and permanent as the nature of the Giver. Of course, our actual experience of that rest is less than...

NEW thing & COUNTER thing

How many Buddhists are there in the world? It depends on who is counting. Some cast the net wide to include all streams and forms of Buddhism, and arrive at 1.6 billion. In China, for example, many embrace a folk religion that includes aspects of Buddhism, Taoism...