One Reason to Live Restfully

Being in Christ doesn’t make us immune to unrest. He invites, and gives us reasons to rest. We choose to step into them (or not). This post will touch on just one reason to live restfully.

The Lord’s supernatural involvement in our lives is ongoing, from our miraculous new birth until our journey’s completion. This includes making it possible for us to live restfully in a world of unrest.

Rest is a grace from the Lord to lean calmly on him, even when circumstances try to usher us into corridors of fear, panic or depression. He supernaturally enables us to trust his rule (sometimes, with protesting emotions), and to be still1 in his loving care.

It’s not only about ‘sleeping in the storm’. We can be storm-free, yet unrestful. Grace to lean on the Lord includes refusing the driving urge to be in control.

In the world, Christ lived to reveal the Father and do his will. What about Christ in heaven? In the answer, we find one reason to live restfully.One Reason to Live Restfully

He is enthroned,2 reigning,3 ruling for the sake of his church,4 AND is constantly interceding for us!

Christ Jesus who died—more than that, who was raised to life—is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us. (Rom 8:34)

Our frame of prayer experience is too small to explain the intercession of Jesus. He isn’t kneeling at his throne, head bowed, praying through an endless list of names and needs.

He LIVES to intercede (Heb 7:25). It’s what he is doing right now, and we feature in it!

The Father and Son are in perfect union;5 they constantly know each other.6 The life of Jesus in heaven is a perpetual ‘voice’ that celebrates with the Father all that he accomplished on earth, all that was attached to his last cry: It is FINISHED. 7

His life is a display that is louder, clearer and more powerful than any intercessory voice we are familiar with in our small frame of prayer understanding. He is the living transmission that fills heaven with the triumph of our redemption. His live broadcast carries our names and declares us to be: Rescued! Reconciled! Forgiven! Freed! Forever his own! And heirs of every spiritual blessing in Christ (Eph 1:3).

Around that mention of Christ’s constant intercession for us in Rom 8:34, we find these questions: Who can separate us from God’s love? Who can accuse or condemn us? Who can be against us? Each time, the answer is the same: No-one! We are secure, safe and more than conquerors through our Redeemer-Intercessor (Rom 8:31-39). It doesn’t mean we escape trouble, but that we can encounter it as victors, not victims.

Awareness of Jesus Christ’s 24/7 intercession for us is one reason to live restfully in a world in which UNREST is the norm.

  • Re-read Rom 8:34 and Heb 7:25, then ponder (reflect, think deeply and unhurriedly) the truth of Christ interceding for you at this moment.
  • Today, mention one truth that you believe the life of Christ, your Redeemer-Intercessor, is broadcasting concerning you.
  • Agree with his testimony in heaven on your behalf concerning that one truth.
    • What does that truth tell you about him? Praise him for it!
    • What does it mean for you? How does it affect your life? Thank him!
    • Rejoice, express your gladness at that truth. Celebrate it with the Lord!
  • In the days that follow, focus on otherIt is finished truths’ that your Intercessor is declaring of you. Voice your agreement with him through focused praise, thanks, and celebration.

By agreeing with Jesus, our Intercessor, his rest – not the unrest of the world we live in – becomes the norm for our hearts and minds.

1Ps 46:10  2Col 3:1  31 Cor 15:24,25  4Eph 1:20-23  5Jn 10:30, 14:10  6Jn 10:15  7Jhn 19:30

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Shaped for Prayer Enjoyment
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